Though the fishing was relatively good throughout the whole trip, the rock'in and roll'in action that suddenly appeared out of nowhere on Monday night was more than they bargined for. Winds blew steady out at tail end buoy at constant 35 or so mph for the whole night....seems no one got much sleep and a few got wet due to the open front hatch being washed over by a rather large wave....all good laughs looking back.
Black fin tuna, Mutton Snapper, Yellowtail Snapper, Margates, Porks, Porgies and Grunts were all on the catch list as well as a nice size barracuda! Even though not in season several red grouper, snowy grouper, and black grouper were caught and released. Russell won the biggest fish prize with the barracuda, while Tommy came in second in that category with his black fin tuna, and he also won the "prettiest fish" category with his catch and release of a beautiful blue parrot fish.
All and all the trip was a success, new friends were made, good food was on the menu and fun was had by all.