Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Whale of a Catch!

Thanks to the Hall family and friends (Chad, John, Dick, Zack, Jamie & Bill) for choosing Adventure Watersport Charters for their overnight liveaboard fishing trip to Key West, the Marquesas Keys and the Dry Tortugas.  As the family and friends united from all points east of Reno, NV and north as far as South Carolina, not only was it an awesome reunion, it was a great fishing adventure for all!
Chad (the recent graduate), started the trip off right fish thing when he slammed a Skip Jack Tuna…way to start the competition off!  It wasn’t long before John followed when he hauled in a couple of good sized Dolphin Fish….great catch John!  However it wasn’t long before Chad came back for his round two with a Black Fin Tuna with Dick following close behind when he reeled in a large Cero Mackerel.  Once again Chad returned the competition with a 30# Black Grouper that gave him quite a fight and run for his money, but official first place in the largest catch category, if it wouldn’t have been for John who fought hard to bring in an 80# Goliath Grouper (which of course had to be released), first place would have gone to him….sorry John…we don’t write the rules…only have to obey them.  The competitive field opened up when Zack hauled in a Flag Yellowtail Snapper.  Jamie wasn’t out of the game either, however he got the prize for the most exotic catch with his catch of several eels.  Several Red Grouper s were caught by all, with Mutton and Yellowtail Snapper helping to fill the box, as well the regular array of Grunts and Porgies.  The last day Bill got into the game too with a fairly good sized Red Grouper and the troll back proved to be very  fruitful as everyone was hitting the Dolphin Fish so hard that our Captain in training, Jack could barely keep up to getting the fish off of everyone’s lines.   One more line drop proved to be just as exciting as it was a triple hit on 3 Skip Jack Tunas all at once….couldn’t have orchestrated this one if you had tried!  The highlight of the trip turned out to be quite the scare the first night when a Pilot Whale swam up alongside the boat and blew….scared everyone have to death as it was first time any of the guys had seen or heard this sound before…boy was that ever loud, but graceful and beautiful!

The trip wasn’t of course complete without some of Captain Budd’s great chef skills with fish dinners and great breakfasts too, which all the guys very much loved and appreciated, as well as putting everyone “on” the fish….thanks for being much more than a “push button Captain” Budd….you’re the best!  Unfortunately time grew short and the trip came to an end, but not without a lot of laughs, jokes, and memories that were had and made by all.  Though Bill will be 80 years old next month, he and the gang are already talking about planning their next off shore deep sea fishing trip down to Key West with Adventure Watersport Charters liveaboard overnight charters.
Adventure Watersport Charters
Key West

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